User Guide

The motivated users desiring to get hands-on experience with the model can explore the following User Guide Tutorial. The GAINS User Guide is thoughtfully structured to cater to users with varying levels of familiarity and access to the model. The guide is divided into two main distinct parts, each respectively tailored to user groups having access to the Basic and Advances privileges of the model (see also the Access rights/Installation Section).

Introduction and Basic Features (Basic Users)

The first part (Chapter 1) provides a comprehensive introduction to the GAINS model. It explains the model’s utility, general principles, and objectives. This section outlines the scope of the GAINS online tool, guiding users in understanding its fundamental features and accessing the online tool. This part also functions as a tutorial for users interested in viewing IIASA’s public domain assumptions and scenario results. Users in this category possess VIEWER privileges.

User Privileges and Scenario Creation (Advanced Users)

The second part (Chapter 2) is geared towards users with USER privileges. This user group is empowered to craft GAINS scenarios under their ownership. The tutorial delves into advanced data management functions and editors. It covers aspects like creating new input data and organizing data sets into an emission scenario. The tutorial is accompanied by a series of screenshots that illustrate the sequence of operations required for scenario creation.

The GAINS User Guide skillfully blends reference manual-style explanations with step-by-step examples, catering to both new users and those looking to delve into more advanced operations.